Want to Make Money
Creating Android Quiz Games?

Build free-to-play quiz games easily without any coding knowledge. Upload them to Google Play and make money from ads!

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QuickAppNinja is a game app builder with templates that allow you to easily create your own quiz games.
You make money from ads shown in your games.
You don't need any special skills or coding knowledge.
Build games via the easy, intuitive drag-n-drop game wizard.

How it works?

So many people can’t be wrong

More then 430,000+ people worldwide choose QuickAppNinja


Примеры созданных игр

Вот некоторые игры созданные в конструкторе QuickAppNinja

There are 5 types of games
you can create right now:

  • 4 Images

    This is one of the most popular and profitable games of its kind. It involves guessing the correct word that describes the 4 pictures that are shown on your screen. These types of games are extremely profitable in Google Play.

  • Guess the Picture

    This involves showing one picture and guessing who or what it is. It could be a picture of a person, a celebrity, a singer, a movie star or a sportsperson, or it could be a picture of an animal, a car, a flower, a brand, a city, a musical instrument, and so on. These types of games are constantly in the TOP TRIVIA GAMES in the Google Play charts. That's because Android users LOVE these games!

  • Guess the Hidden Picture

    In this game, you cover the picture using tiles so only a small part of it is visible. The player has to guess the subject of the picture by uncovering as few tiles as possible. As more tiles are uncovered, more of the picture is revealed making it easier to guess. So, guessing the hidden picture without uncovering more tiles or uncovering just a few allows the player to score more coins.

  • Find Words

    The player identifies words within the puzzle to progress to each new level.

  • Chat Story

    This type of games lets you read amazing chat stories on your device, that will keep you reading for hours.

  • ???

All you need to make money is an idea and good images.

Example of a Developed Game

How Will You Make Money?

You make money from
ads placed in the games
You make money every time your game is played and ads are shown
You just need to build the game and upload it on Google Play
Get paid directly from AdNetworks
You will make money from banner ads that will be shown in your games, and you have full control over the ad networks used to supply these ads. Setting this up is simple, and only takes a few clicks. Plus we have detailed step-by-step video tutorials to follow and you can contact support 24/7 with any questions.

Currently we support these well known ad networks:

The more games you build,
the more money you can make.

Game Building Process

How to Build a Game in 6 Simple Steps

Don’t be Afraid of Competition!

You might think if anyone can create such games — there must
be huge competition and your chances of making lots of money
is slim. But this is absolutely wrong!

Why should you Build Mobile Games Right Now?

Why Have We Made this Powerful Builder
Available to the Public?

We took the step into Word Trivia games development in 2012. From the beginning we started to create games for niche markets and found huge success there. Our developers split tested different in-game mechanics and, as a result, we found the perfect game process that users like and that brings maximum profit.

The main core of such games is CONTENT. Physically, we can’t create these games in all available niches to markets in different countries (because we don’t know market specifics). Instead, we have developed a FREE GAME BUILDER … that will allow anybody to create popular games & make money from TRUSTED AdNetworks.

We offer you a Win–Win strategy!

You have an idea and content for a game.
We have tested technology that allows you to earn money.

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